Leisure Audio is working for me as I write!
I recently became a member of Leisure Audiobooks,and I want to share my humble opinion with you today.
This is like nothing I have ever experienced before,I was shocked to find that is totally unique, neverseen before, and I believe it to be revolutionary,and I'll explain why.
In my past experience, you join a typical program,they give you some cheesy promo tools, and they never say a word to you, they just expect you to go out and recruit as best you can on your own...
This is totally and utterly different.
First of all, the products rock, there's a huge selectionof topics on virtually any niche you can think of...all delivered in licenced .wma or Real format, so anyonewith a computer, an iPod, or mp3 player can instantlyenjoy these fine audio books, at their leisure...
Second, you don't have to recruit, to earn nice money, youcan simply sell these real products to real people, and theywill be glad to have them to listen to...
Third, the commissions you can earn, are much higher than normal, and I really like that.
Fourth, it's so easy to set up a website and dominateany niche you choose, because the training is so good,it makes it easy to get started right away.
Fifth, I don't have any of the order filling problems,of offering a real product, Leisure Audiobooks, has ithandled, for me. Lucky me;~)
With Leisure Audiobooks, I feel at completely at easeoffering anyone hi quality hi fidelity products andthe diversity is astounding! They have over 6000 titlesmeticulously sorted into 160 categories in a feature- packed store.
I had no idea know that there are at least 50,000 identifiableniche markets that can be independently addressed in the searchengines for audio books! I do know now and I am out there selling...and for the first time it is working!!!
Plus it's a huge relief to have the experts, Rod and Kevinhelping me succeed, I almost feel like I have a huge"cheat" over everyone else, because I'm a part of a caringorganization, who really coach, and really train, and reallywant me, and you, to succeed, no matter what the skill level.
So, I would have to sum it up like this, if you're tired ofan endless line of hype, smoke and mirrors, and you'd liketo gain traction, start making a financial difference inyour family's lifestyle, and have a legitimate, honest, realway to make money online...you owe it to yourself to checkout Leisure Audio Books.
Don't believe me, I'm a happy member, and of course I'm biased,so do a check on Rod and Kevin, and I'm sure you'll find thetruth is that they are for real, and these are great productsthat virtually sell themselves.
I recommend that you see for yourself - GO RIGHT NOW, and takein the information presented on the website.
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I hope you enjoy this!
Fortunati Luciano
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Internet Marketing Solutions!
Hi ,The document below will help youUnderstand the full vision behind our project.use it as copy for your promotional activity.
Best regards
Congratulations and welcome to this very special, window-in-time.
You are now one of the pioneers to have been given the advantage “ahead of the official pre-launch event of the e-play business”.
It was W.C. Fields who once said, “All I ask is for an unfair advantage.”
Some would say that is exactly what you have been given; we say you HAVE The First Mover advantage!
Register yourself for free, and you will be in the unique and privileged position of being amongst a pioneering group of entrepreneurs who are seeing this information before anyone else on the planet!:
Historically this is a time when people build immense momentum, which is then carried through into the pre-launch phase gaining even more momentum before arriving at the actual launch later this year.
By registering you will have access to the privileged information and expertise which will open the door to a new way of making money online and which will set you amongst the insider elite.
Why is this new market so special?
We will be the first company ever to launch a business that encapsulate the most exciting phenomenon’s on the internet, Online Games Entertainment and Social Networking using Web 2.0, combined with a new way of network marketing, which has been described as Social Marketing/Networking Marketing 2.0
This is not a set of Internet marketing training models, it is a turn key BUSINESS Solution, which we have proven to work over the last 5 years, and what is even more exciting;
WE ARE ABOUT TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN, potentially with you in this new revolutionary market
This advantage cannot be re-visited, once it’s gone, its gone forever! It is going to happen with or with out you.
A Market growing to a worth of $412 EVERY second
The internet is the fastest growing market place in the history of the world but there is an online sector that is growing 4 times faster than the internet…The Online Skill Games market.
What is a “skill-based game”?
IGDA (Independent Game Developers Association) reports; A “skill-based game” is a web game played in a tournament format, with each player paying a cash entry fee to play, and with a cash or merchandise prize going to the winner or winners of the tournament. Skill-based games are named accordingly because the outcome of each competition is based on the players’ ability and performance, with any elements of luck either eliminated or greatly reduced. This is critical, in order to be legal and avoid falling under anti-gambling statutes.
Show me the money!
Alex Burmaster, European Internet Analyst, Nielsen//NetRatings a global leader in Internet media and market research said, “Take the fact that the online games sector is growing at four times the rate of overall Internet growth together with the increasing numbers online and it is easy to see why companies such as MTV Networks are looking to get a piece of the action”.
Just stop right there. Imagine that for a second…a business that is growing four times faster than the internet! To give you an idea of what that means and to really put it inot context recent figures from analyst firm DFC Intelligence, said that the world wide online game market is forecasted to grow from $3.4 billion in 2005 to over $13 billion in 2011.
The market today 2007 is approximately worth 5.2 billion that equates to a worth of $164 USD a second, and in the next 156 weeks is expected to grow to $412 USD a second – of every minute of every day, and growing.
Which means that if this report took you just 15 minutes to read over $147,600.00 has been spent in this market or the equivalent of $14,169,600.00 will be spent today alone and the market is growing at an expediential rate.
These sort of numbers can’t be ignored.
In every revolution, there are winners and losers. The winners will be those pioneers who use insider knowledge and contacts to exploit emerging trends and ride the crest of the wave. The losers will be the bystanders who watch them make their fortune.
It is happening NOW Globally.Tonight when you close the blinds and you go to bed someone somewhere is cashing in on this market the good news is that in the morning you can now do something about getting you share of it.
What is driving this trend?
It is been driven by the increase in broadband in to homes which allows people to play these games couple that with an increasing acceptance of playing games online it is driving the high demand.
NEW YORK– June 21, 2006– Nielsen//NetRatings, announced that nearly three-quarters of U.S. active Web users connected at home via broadband in May, growing 15 percentage points over a year ago, when just 57 percent of active Web users relied on broadband connections at home. Research also indicates that broadband users are more likely to make better use of Internet functionalities and newer technologies, such as RSS feeds and blogging.
North America is expected to challenge current market leader Asia as the new leader for online game play and in Europe, casual online games is already benefiting from this thirst to play and be entertained online.
In June 2006, 28% of Britons online (7.6 million) visited the online games sector with the average visitor spending 1 hour 31 minutes playing games online.The online games sector has been identified as the next step in the evolution of online entertainment, and people of all ages, from all over the world, play in their millions. There are currently game networks with hundred’s of thousands of players playing games at any one time.
IGDA Casual Games SIG/Whitepaper/Market Overview reported that while the typical core gaming audience is male and aged eighteen to thirty-four, casual gamers tend to be both women and men between the ages of thirty-five and sixty-five, with a slight demographic skew towards women.
A wide variety of users now see the Internet as a primary entertainment medium, and casual games comprise a main staple of the entertainment value of the Internet. As the audience for online content grows, so does the amount of money spent in the space.
A recent ICM report on behalf of the BBC showed that the online entertainment market has even affected TV audiences. Not good news for them because while people are going online to be entertained and it is eroding at there TV viewing figures which means less advertising revenue for them.
This is why major TV networks such as SKY TV & MTV Networks have identified this market and are all staking there claims as figures show that In-game advertising is predicted to grow by 70% year-on-year, reaching $1 billion in 3 years.
Why online games?
Quite simply…it’s all about fun! We all play games across all age ranges and genders and it transcends all cultures because it is part of the human spirit…we have a need to compete with others and with ourselves.
People play games not so much for the game itself as for the experience the game creates: an adrenaline rush, a victory or a mental challenge they even provide a moment of solitude or the interaction with friends.
In short we play games to create moment-to-moment experiences which are FUN and it is generating billions in cash!
Work better whilst you play
Online games are also having an impact on people’s productivity at work. A report which we discovered showed that 76% of those who play intermittently at work achieve improved job performance. The findings examined whether playing casual online games at work enhanced employee creativity, energy and overall productivity.
80% of the respondents who played online games during the workday felt better focused as a result of this periodic mental break. What’s more, an amazing 72% relayed on game breaks to reduce job-related stress.
But the desire to play is only half the story, The big catalyst for growth is the explosion of affordable home broadband and ultra-fast PCs. Because today, online gaming isn’t just for serious gamers. It’s for everybody, everywhere.
But it gets EVEN better!
You have probably seen sites like ‘MySpace’, which has 176 million users. These sites are communities where people can interact and share their loves, their hates, their common interests and whatever is on their minds.
Millions of people daily are having fun with Social Networking it is real, massive and will continue to grow.
The online social networking phenomenon.
Social networking has been called “The reality TV of the Internet”. John Gibs, senior director of media Nielson//NetRatings said “social networking is not a fad that will disappear. If anything, it will become more ingrained in mainstream sites; just as reality TV programming has become ubiquitous in network TV programming”.
The Nielson//NetRatings report (May 2006) stated “Social Networking sites grow 47%, year over year, reaching 45% of web users” And the figures speck for themselves:
The total number of searches for the Top 10 methods of social networking has increased by 279% over the past 12 months and the search queries for Mypasce have risen by 1347%. The top 20 social networking sites increased by 11.5% between January and February 2007 alone, with year-on-year category traffic were up 87%. Source Hitwise March 14, 2007
Blogs and the Web 2.0 PhenomenaPeople cant help writing about there loves there hates even the day to day things that they do in fact blogging has become so infectious - once you start you can’t stop.
A blog (short for weblog) is a website where entries are written in date order with the most recent entry (or post) at the top of the page and the oldest towards the bottom
Blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject of the ‘blogers’ (someone who has a blog) interest some function as simple online diaries. You can find blogs on almost any topic you can possibly think of. From stamp collecting, to religion, to cooking, to politics - in fact if you can think of it there is bound to be a blog about it.
Whole blog communities have even sprung up focusing someone certain topics connecting people with a common interest with each other where they can share ideas, make friends and even do business with people with similar interests from around the world.
Blogging does not stop there. Many blogs also carry feeds or RSS which updates people or friends who visit your blog without them actually going back again and again to see if anything new is on it.
Live communication creates interaction and stickiness
More than half the UK population regularly use Windows Live Messenger to stay in touch with friends. What’s more, there are 500 million Skype users worldwide, and instant messaging is set to be the fastest growing communication medium in history – in less than half the time it took email.
But what about taking it to the next step?
How about if you could easily locate your buddies? If you could see when they’re online? If you could proactively challenge them to a game even if they’re not online and don’t have their email client open?
These are the sorts of possibilities we’re offering. Because people want to interact with other people, and to have fun. And in our world, their fun means your profit.·
51% of the UK population use Windows Live Messenger to stay in touch with friends.·
500 million Skype users.·
Instant messaging is poised to be the fastest growing communication medium in history in less than half the time of email.·
Web based IM’s global reach available where ever you are.
People want to be with people who are having FUN! It makes it easy for people to network and share the business, Social Marketing/Network Marketing 2.0!!
An exciting and attractive business to be involved in
Having your own online games business is an exciting and cool way to make your fortune. It has no social stigma attached to it and is something you can be truly proud to be associated with. It is appealing whilst at the same being attractive and something that other people aspire to be part of.
Here’s how you can make it happen for you.
Using our insider marketing secrets, we have built businesses that have paid out millions to partners in 133 countries – and our proven and successful cash generating system is the perfect vehicle for the online entertainment revolution.
Over the next few weeks, we will share those secrets with you. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about building your very own online entertainment business, where playing games and having fun with your friends and family is turned into your business. A business that will appeal to all ages and genders – has the potential to reach hundreds of millions of people every single day. A business requiring no investment in stock. A business where you don’t have to persuade people to change their behaviours – just keep on doing what they love doing already!
You’ll be offering Player 2 Player (P2P) games with cash prizes, where YOU set the winnings. Delivering instant wins and gratification, these games will keep customers coming back for more and create a real feel good factor plus bragging rights. So win or lose, they’ll simply keep on playing!
You can also host tournaments for larger numbers of players, with BIG cash prizes, progressive jackpots and winner-takes-all payouts.
Creating even more fun for your players – and making even more money for you.
Full support, marketing and development
Complete with Live telephone support 7 days a week we have real people supporting our partners to develop their business by offering a solution driven level of personal service.
We have 10 – 15 million site visits a month with over 1.5 – 2 million guest logins which according to Alexa.com put us among the 2000 most visited websites in the world.
, Our marketing and promotion for our partners business’s is unparallel with over 5 – 6 million marketing emails sent out every month on their behalf, all promoting there business. Our marketing department which comprises of advertising and marketing experts uses all its expertise and professionalism gleamed from working with major blue chip companies such as Xbox, Coca Cola etc to create first class marketing collateral all with one goal…building the income for our business partners.
Yes you got it, not only will we give you powerful tools to do it yourself but we also do it with you!
State Of the Art
You name it, and we provide it. A communication device that allows you to talk and play with people and which turns fun into CASH. Real-time viewing, so you can watch your business grow and grow before your very eyes. A messenger system that removes ALL the no spam issues. A FULL turnkey entertainment portal that works right out of the box, complete with a global marketing licence, including hosting and bandwidth, built-in future developments, exclusive games and much, much more.
How do I grab a part of the action?
You’ve been handed a golden opportunity – even before pre-launch. On 15th July 2007, WWD will unveil its new turnkey Online Entertainment income generating business, which has been two years in development.
Now it’s up to you to get your business in the best possible shape for when the games begin.
So what do I do?
Simply get people to pre-register to your site – the more you get, the bigger the rewards will be.
How many people do you need to register to be a winner? We don’t know, but what we do know is that you have an unrivalled chance to capture the imagination of millions of games players and opportunity seekers across the world – and we don’t want you to miss out!
How do I do it?
This website is power-packed with tools and information, so take full advantage of being a “founder affiliate”. Subscribe to the blog, send a link to friends, watch the broadcasts, download the report and book your ticket for eVo and bring your friends.
You have now been presented with the key that can unlock a fortune.
Use it or lose it.
Your time starts NOW! Hurry!
Everything will Start between fews days!
Fortunati Luciano
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This is really unique...and in my expert opinion it would only serve to enhance and bring more business to us at (name of search engine withheld for legal & confidentially reasons) and not cause us to lose business in the slightest.Amazing!
"The northerner revealed that in this nearly eigth year's period of time since appleying his secrethe's done well over $300 million in sales revenue with a most divers line of products, and most recently in the last two years netted nearly $166 million after really "buckling down and pressing my secret to its fullest potential.
"Now to everyone else's fortune, the city slicker is releasing his secret for getting an unlimited amount of pay-per-clicks ads to the general public.But he's not promising any of us how long.A bit of an eccentric,the gentleman says"We'll see just how long I can make it available before it saturates things".
One famous public web guru pointed out that although this man may gain economically more so as result of the pubblication of his scret"he's already so amazingly rich that whether he continues or discontinues its sale will neither make no break the man,but not grabbing it for yourself while it's still available, could prove disastrous for you as you may only have one chance,and a very limited one at that,to get this."It is currently available
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To your success,
Fortunati Luciano
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